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      Assistant/Associate Director of Human Resources


      Brasil -

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      Why the American University of Iraq—Baghdad? Opening its doors in January 2021, the new American University of Iraq—Baghdad (AUIB) began as a dream of influential individuals in Iraq and the United States in business, industry and government who wanted to see a world-class institution of higher learning established in the city, reminiscent of the days when Baghdad was an educational mecca and the flourishing capital of the Muslim world. With a great library, palatial college buildings and stude…

      6943 Vagas de emprego

      Banco de Talentos - Área Comercial

      Recrutei Empregos

      Publicada há 4 anos

      Banco de Talentos - Profissionais de Recursos Humanos

      Recrutei Empregos

      Publicada há 4 anos

      Banco de Talentos - Área Administrativa

      Recrutei Empregos

      R$ 1.250,00 / Mês
      Publicada há 4 anos

      Banco de talentos - Área Financeira

      Recrutei Empregos

      Publicada há 4 anos

      Desenvolvedor C#.net

      UDS Tecnologia

      Presencial ou Remoto
      MARINGA - PR
      Publicada há 4 anos

      Desenvolvedor Android

      UDS Tecnologia

      Presencial ou Remoto
      MARINGA - PR
      Publicada há 4 anos